I have had conversations and grievances from sisters in churches about the gruesome allegations that church guys never ask them out. Since I'm a thinker and therefore a young analyst, I’ve summed up 5 major reasons why these sought-after men, never ask women out. All these reasons are gathered from my research and informed opinion. For the purpose of clarity, I will use ‘Us’ for church women and please note; this is a broad generalization.
1. They don’t know us
On average, these guys see us for maximum 3 hours, once a week and one Saturday a month, for those who serve in departments. At church, were 90% character and 10% personality and that personality is available to those who stick around for long enough after a church service. These men assume we’re stuck-up, boring and cold women, who know nothing but quote scriptures and pray in tongues. In my observation, there are very cool women at church. They have healthy social lives and are not socially awkward. My wise friend once said, if you truly want to know someone, be with them outside of the environment you first saw them. I'm inclined to agree with her as impressions are environmental. What I make of you is largely due to where I meet you. Dear guys... we’re cooler than you think we are. Try us!
2. There are many (analysis paralysis)
Research shows that for every man, there are 9 women and even when we bring it to the church front, there are more women that there are men. This is another reason we are not asked out. There is a psychological term called analysis paralysis which basically means one over-analyzes a situation to a point that a decision or action is never taken. Since there are many beautiful women at church, these men end up not choosing even one woman, due to a paralysis, which brings me to my third reason.
3. Beauty overwhelms
Have you ever seen very gorgeous shoes that you could look at them the whole day and wish to never wear them? That is the reason women never get asked out. There are a plethora of pretty women at church and even the guys will attest to that but they are treated as nothing but ornaments that need to be adorned. Think about the prettiest girl at your church, is she in a relationship? How many guys have you heard speak about her beauty but never go for her? Exactly!
4. Expectation is ordinary
I speak to a lot of guys at church and some claim that the common reason for them to never ask church girls out is that once you ask a lady out for lunch, she’s already hearing wedding bells in her head. This is funny...but not all women are like that, not every woman wants to add marriage to the list of achievements like diplomas on the wall. (Ladies, stop showing him a wedding magazine 2 weeks into the relationship. He will run)
5. We are too emotionally available
I’ve seen this happen in front of my eyes. Church (and biblical principles) teaches us to be givers and consider another’s feelings as I do mine. That’s a very good thing, however, you find guys that emotionally draw from us, seeking validation and acceptance. John Eldrege speaks about the term ‘emotional promiscuity’ in his book, Wild at heart. He says it is when the woman is grateful to be pursued, she opens up. They share the intimacies of their lives – their wounds, their walks with God. But he never commits. This is what church guys have subjected themselves to; a fountain of beautiful, caring women who are only useful when he needs a date for his work gala dinner or wants her to affirm him on his latest venture. Rough times bafethu. Unless he’s willing to make you queen of his castle, stop being Rapunzel and letting down your hair at every call. Ladies, ask him his intentions from the beginning otherwise you’ll be taken on an emotional promiscuous ride.
Well, those are the 5 reasons I have formulated from my observation within the church circles. I could be right on some of them, or the poor guys are just not into us. Let’s hope for the sake of women, the latter in not the case because you can’t pray out a guy to want you. Many have tried and still are but that’s a topic for another day.
Ladies, spare a minute for the brothers in your prayers. May the spirit of fear leave them, for our own sake because for some, their fear is still greater than their love for us.
hmmmmm quiet intriguing, this small comment box will not be able to contain my response. Informative and great writing nonetheless.
ReplyDeletewould you like to take it to a different platform? i'd like to hear your view on it. Thank you for reading. Much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteAfter having fed my senses with this read I shared it with a number of female colleagues of mine. Damn you should have heard the responses I got. Point is you drilled trueth into them and I doubt they'll be Rapanzles from here onwards.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking ur analysis...
ReplyDeleteOn point this 5 sums it up, adding more reasons from my side will change it all together. I know a guy who can formulate a response for every reason Lol. Informative piece Ms Musi. From Kamza Btw Anonymous ke mang?
ReplyDeletenna ke bone shem. Dudes are simply not that into us. Those who are, we don't like them back and those we want, jus see us as good people who make great friends and supporters. We simply dont have enough game for those we want. So ladies up ur game and on to the next one. Plus being in a relationship with someone you met at church can put an unnecessary strain on a relationship (too many stereotype pressures to fit into) but Lerato that's a topic for another day, ladies must jus live, there are other places to meet guys. - T
ReplyDelete1. "They don't know us" AND whos fault is dat? If you r willin to get out of your comfort zone by doing something ada dan church, church camp, church revival, all day sunday church, we just might have a chance of really meeting.
ReplyDelete2. "analysis paralysis" and "beauty overwhelms us"?? PLEASE!!!!
Its simple, the reason we date outside church is that we currently jus looking for fun. when we ready to marry, we know where to go.
"the reason we date outside church is that we currently jus looking for fun. when we ready to marry, we know where to go." So you automatically assume that when you're ready,we'll stil be waiting? Funny guy..."The good ones go,if you wait too long" - Drake
ReplyDeleteWow that got me thinking for a while and its true most of us put on masks on sundays and try to be who we not,but the sooner we accept our flaws the better,but hey that's a topic for another day.Well spoken and I agree on all the 5's#too emotionally available-beauty overwhelmes!
ReplyDeleteTjo lol Kamza. I think I know who u mean lol...
this has actually made me think and wonder why vele we not making our move as guys.... hmmm but then again there's just an invisible net/wall that woman from church have put up.... and that wall I call BROTHER! wall.... I think y'all (OBVIOUSLY NOT ALL) r on auto pilot ka the Brother In Christ wall. ain't no brother is gonna stick around once they've been tagged ka B.I.C/BUDDY LOL. nog al, once you've put someone in that bracket, its almost impossible to pull yourself out as a guy.
just saying.
kodwa ke Lerato mina I like the way u write.. its captivating and fresh!
Wouldnt mind having to read material from you once a week or something like that.....
and thank you for shedding some light.
Guys...Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment. My love for you is right up there with my Love for ice-cream. :-).
ReplyDelete@Last Anon. Thanks for your honesty. The only way to stay out of buddy-zone and be on the same side of the wall is when your intentions are clear from the beginning. Auto pilot can be a defensive mechanism which can be handled by a willing guy. And thank you for taking interest in my writing. Thank you for seeing the light.
Emotional promiscuoity ne? that is the biggest problem, i know so many broken hearts from that, so yeah, christian women need to be upfront, so a dude know he can't play games with you.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of christian brothers who were going out with two women at one time, while choosing who would make a best wife and never bothered to tell the one who lost him that he is getting married.
i know other brothers who were stringing another woman along until the announcement of his marriage hit the board at church and thats how a woman was dumped.
I know a case where this guy took a girl to meet his parents more than 3 times and would hang out with her till 3am, when he was coming from his pre marital counselling to another woman, who the lady being introduced to his parent knew nothing about, when she cofronted him, he acted surprised, he was a punk.
I know more than one guy who married a woman he planned to marry and called a lady just before the ceremony started, and the day after the wedding day to tell her, he loves her
these are just examples of punk behavoiur in the church that i have witnessed.
I havent heard of cases where a woman strung a man along though to a point where she was getting married and didnt tell the brother, its over
These brought up so much emotions from friends i have watched being hurt in the church.
I loved this note again Lerato, well done.
In a very nice and polite way, u've actually put it out there dat even us church guys don't find church gals very fun and exciting. Church gals sound and remind us of our mothers and aunts. Not A Good Look, sorry!!!!!
ReplyDelete"the spirit of fear in them"... generalisation indeed. I don't agree and much could be shared on this, but this is not the platform....Sibiya
ReplyDelete@ lerato - So do i automatically assume that when im ready, church gals/women will stil be waiting? YES! YES! YES! There are always women at church ready to be picked up by a good church/God fearing guy to marry. notice i said women (plural). A guy who was "having fun" 5, 10yrs ago can go to church today w the sole purpose of finding a wife and he'll find her. And she'll say, "OMG, i've been looking for someone like u all my life." And he'll be thinkin, "i know."
ReplyDeleteAnonymous pls identify yourself, I'd like to chat some more about this offline. What u r saying is shocking nje. In a nutshell o re bana ba bang ba emetse lona. Kamza
ReplyDeleteSibiya, what do u mean that this is not the platform? Or are u just lazy to really comment.
ReplyDeleteThe anon who says he will come to date church ladies when u ready for marriage,I know you!and you know that I know you! All I can say is...you are right,you will always find women who want to marry,but the reality is you will marry a girl you like,for the one you love will be long married.
ReplyDeleteTo guys from church,its sad that you love but really cannot shela due to the points mentioned above yet some of you are just silly. Its frustrating to women that we can't be hunters and run after you,yet you still call us sisters an Christ,mtana sekhaya, my friend.
I've seen guys who have more than 3close lady friends,yet still when you ask them,they say "I haven't seen any potential,still waiting for God to show me" open your eyes!!!you are not friends with plants!they are females.
Church men like the sound of being married but are not planning to really give up their freedom.
Nna call me tjhobolo,but I'll not be entertaining a guy whose busy ka di lollipop talks tsa hae just for convenience sake!ngeke! Women are emotional beings,you chat to me for a full day,I start telling what I had for lunch everyday without being aware that at times you did not even ask.
I've loved a guy from church but now I'm getting over it. Kea bona,I'll only be a friend. - Timor Apple
@kamza - no need to talk offline. put ur thoughts out so we can all cont' dis health debate. and u know wat im sayin is tru. it jus makes u feel some-type-of-way cause i said it out loud.
ReplyDelete@timor apple - im glad u can appreciate my point of view. as much as i respect your opinion/thots, i don't agree with your statement dat, (you will marry a girl you like,for the one you love will be long married). u assume dat i can/will ONLY love one person all my life. u assume dat i couldnt meet someone else later in life whom i love. we all know dat is not true.
*Moves to His People*
ReplyDeleteJust as the title of the post states,church guys are not asking church gilrs out. So anon who said "Even us church guys" you're wrong. Its ONLY church guys. You guys think we'll be around forever so much so that you overlook the fact that we're being asked out by good men with integrity outside.
ReplyDeleteI won't even go into detail about how of you guys don't ask us out is because you're intimidated by our achievements. The paradigm has shifted,ladies are doing more than guys. And your lack of game speaks for itself. This is really sad!
So now that we have all figured out that guys from church, the "God" fearing, the same Guys that we wanna marry, don't really find us fun, nor "dateable" let alone approachable? Why is it that we then go for the immediate Asshole, that hates church? Has different believes? A crazy social lifestyle, why is that that , we find these Guys interesting? Is it because they actually appreciate us? Are their lies worth the risk of heartache? And why is it that we try change them into Church going souls? Are we spiritually confused?
ReplyDeleteI trust that this platform has answers!
Lets stop making excuses for these guys and reading too much into things. When a man likes you/loves you and he wants to be with you, he will pursue you. if he is not pursuing you, then you know. he could just be attracted to you, or just like you a lot, or just wanna have fun with you...etc. The thing also about us church ladies (okay, guys too) is that we are not exactly being real. we put up fronts. a lot. and we come across so holier than thou that it doesnt appeal to the real human being that we are after all is said and done...
ReplyDeletemy take: think and live outside the box (the box being your home church). Meet different ppl from different churches. Do not focus on the guys you are exposed to every sunday. Trust me, you are not limited to those guys alone. its too stressful lebile. you get to hear about all the ladies he has asked out apart from you, those he is stringing you along with, everyone is in your business.... Theres more to being a christian woman than all of this hey :-)
Dankie Smaks, the church of Jesus Christ is bigger than the local church. Hauweng. Let's all stop complaining and get with the program
ReplyDeleteInteresting read with equally interesting comments ladies and gents.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, it is amazing that some guys say that we remind them of their aunts, grannies and moms while the very same guys are the ones that will tell you that they want strong, intelligent woman that can pray blah blah blah, the Proverbs 31 kind of women. If my being focused and knowing what I want and don’t want will have you label me as an aunt, then thanks but you can miss me, there are some things that I will not settle for.
I would like to point out that the church is filled with such women (the Proverbs 31 kind) however their desperation to want to get married can be an absolute turn off to most guys. Ladies let us chill a bit and have some fun.
The fact that some guys think that they can go play outside and then come back when it is time to settle shows that church girls are ‘marriage material’, whatever that means. They are the very ones of the Proverbs 31 calibre and the very ones that behave like aunties and grannies because they know how to hold things together just like those women that raised you. You come back to the church for such girls because you have seen their potential in building a home and bringing some stability to family life (not that girls from church can’t but I personally think these aunties are better at it).
Thirdly I agree with you Lerato about the environment issue, these guys do not know us beyond the church walls and because of that they have concluded that we are all about praying, church, singles ministries etc. This is sad!!!!
But then truly speaking how do you claim to know me when all we’ve done was greet smile and exchange some words on social networks? You don’t know me!!!
At church most people have put on a facade about whom and what they are and I think that very mask is the one that repels the guys away from us and vice versa. Can we please be ourselves and let’s not pretend.
Lastly I’d just like to know if there is a written rule about dating within the same church? Do we want to date within our own churches because we think guys from our own church are better than the rest? What if I meet an ‘unchurched’ that treats me well, way better than brother wa mzalwane? Do I ignore him because we are not ‘equally yoked’ and “o tla ntlela ka madimomi” even though he is a really good guy? All I’m saying is that there is great pool of great guys out there beyond our own church walls, let’s loosen up a bit, go on coffee dates with them and start living lest we wait till Jesus returns for them to ask us out
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ReplyDeleteChurch or Non Church ! if He aint in to you he aint > it’s OK embark on Operation Pimp ya! Body be Beautiful, be Hot take good care of yourself stop going with the Notion , that your Proto type at Grace BIBLE church, having said that "THANK YOU ANC" its a Country filled with +-30mil Males ...... I don’t know about you but that’s a whole lotta Males.
ReplyDeletein Gauteng alone 12 272 263m 23.7% of total population ,can I add that 11 587 374 which is 22.7% of whole population are ZULU speaking cc the relevant People. (C) Victory.
HHHAAAYI NNA I DONT GET THIS!!!! Not even an OUNCE of it!!! What is this????
ReplyDeleteThese nonsensical titles of exclusion unnecessarily complicate your lives.
Seek to date people not based on the institutions you guys subscribe
to...but connect with people in their very present truth, people who
share your vision in HOW tomorrow should pan-out in principles, in
ambition, in lifestyle...and grow to where you both need to be.
I have loved God INTENSELY in the "world", and have lost Him in the
church. He found me in my dreams and i wrestled with Him in my life's
disappointments. I have seen play boys seek God through life's heart
shattering pain as i have seen church boys lose God in their act of
"playing church". The gist of my point is people are to dynamic, Gods
love is too vast, lifes journey ever evolving for you to ever limit
your options to "church boys" **whatever that means**. That to me
sounds as ludicrous as limiting your pool of selection to the boys you
went to high-school with.
Throw yourself in the gift of life with unwavering trust in Gods
ability to catch you, dont compromise your principles. As long he
loves God and seeks to grow in his love and relationship with
God...let what you each bring to the table edify the other in growth,
in love, in life and God.
Why would anyone want to live in such deprivation in the name of ONLY
dating "Church Guys". Stop complicating your lives unnecessarily ka di
titles tse dizzy. Life isnt that hard guys. If he acknowledges Jesus
Christ as his Lord and Saviour...MAZIWE KE.
Ladies ke kopa hobotsa...
ReplyDeleteGuys in the church are battling with the VERY same issues as the ones
in world...issues of sleeping around WITHIN ONE CHURCH...(I have seen
a wedding announcements in church of a guy marrying a girl from
another church while EVERYBODY knew them to be ACTIVELY dating someone
else). They struggle with being non commital, issues of self
actualisation, rising to become men their women NEED them to be.
Infact the ones in the world are more forthcoming and real about the
battles they fight and win and those they fight and lose, while laba
bethu sell you dreams.
So if it is by their fruits that we will know them and they ALL bear
the same fruits...Why give the "church-guys" exclusive rights...why
give these boys unrequited loyalty?...whats the thinking here...or
rather whats the belief?
Asikhulume...Lets Talk.
Some church women are just living in denial thinking that church guys (all church guys) are just not sexual and that their sexual appetite only come to life when they decide to marry. They will shun at any guy or girl for that matter that will readily confess that they are sexually active or think a lot about having sex and they will want to cast out demons and all sorts of other evil spirits as well as binding and loosing. So guys will just keep silent and pretend that they are 'pure' while girls from outside their own church (from other churches or the world) give it up.
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to point out the it is the spirit that is saved and not the flesh and each of these desires it's own things according to the spiritual and physical elements and I'm not saying that people cannot control themselves but what is easy for me to control is difficult for the next person to control and vice versa.
We think that people that go to church are complete angels with no faults and when we see their faults we form silly meetings to discuss so and so's 'fall from grace' and start chain prayers as if we were requested by that person to do so. We do not reach out in love to find out how we can make the situation better for them and if we keep doing that we will have guys lie to us about stuff they go through.
That's why we'll have such things happen and I'm not saying give it up, the choice is entirely yours
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ReplyDeleteMohau, Maziwe vele masikhulumeni for real Nna to the Young ones nje Hopeful young Ladies waiting on a church Man , I can give you a scribe written by Women , who thought they were dating someone for years only to be told I ain’t never asked you out >>>>
ReplyDeleteLook maybe some church guys will ask you out, which has happened before mara ngwanesu hle tswe tswe be with Him not just because he is from church, being equally yoke is bigger than we are both saved - It goes to Dreams, Careers , desires Family relation even social networks and money.
You , we are not a price waiting to be scooped by the one in church who has confessed , but still his ways are skewed……… Trust we know of Man that Preached from Pulpits and where dating 8 yes 8 Women at a go …. So the issue is not whether they ask out or not . The bigger issue here is choose a Man for what you want , you see and experience with him mere church going is not the standard if people aren’t changed .
Ohh 1 more did you know that some church guys don’t want to get married , topic for another day okwa manje careful yourselves.
@Tums your comment is as true as it is scary, the amount of
ReplyDeletebrainwashing Christian women put themselves through in the name of
spirituality is soul depleting.
@Cozzy Now i must be that girl thats praying for the spirit of fear to
leave Mduduzi...First of all...why is this MY problem??? And 2ndly,
after all that praying he goes to shela someone else??? And then im
back at it with the spiritual warfare cause now i must BIND the
or better yet, so if i am beautiful as per Point #3...what must happen
now??? must i now pretend im ugly so he is underwhelmed and gains the
necessary self esteem to shela me???? Again why is his being
overwhelmed MY issue???...ngingena phi mina lapho???
@Lerato and this is no mockery of the post, but an explicid display of
how twisted the christian community can be at times.
Anyone who knows me personally knows the love i have for black men, it
is intentional and stands unparalelled. I empathise with the towers of
challenges that stand before you guys and i stand behind you guys 100%
in your growth and development. When it comes to you guys, im a sheer
believer and i dont need any back-up or cheer-leading. i believe in
yall!!!...your victories are very personal to me... Yet its because of
this VERY love that i will not make excuses for you.
Ladies if you open yourself up to what the human experience has to
offer you might find yourself in company of men whose achievement make
you tremble but ignite the greatness that exist in you. You might come
across a guy who's heart is so pure you would be convinced you see God
in his eyes #NoLie. You might establish friendships with men that see
more treasure in you than you could ever grasp & teach you how you
want to be treated. They will affirm your femininety and teach you
that its ok NOT to be an Alpha female. You will meet men that feel so
familiar...youd be convinced you are kindred souls.
But you are not always going to meet these people in the
church...hence this whole notion to me sounds rather silly. Maybe im
not quite the spiritual giant to fully fathom the thinking behind the
above post. I know life to present challenges that will humble you in
their call for you to rise...mara wabona ee yona, its not my portion
Ladies stand on your principles, they are you foundation.
Hold on to God, He is your Anchor.
Thanks Lerato for the platform to engage...Those are my last words.
Love & Light.
Mohau!!! You nailed it! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteA special Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on this post. I have learnt a lot for your views. Although,this serves as a wake-up call to me that we are all human and I can't pin this on guys if I have allowed them to take advantage of my kindness.
ReplyDeleteSome of the stories I read here are so scary I can't even believe them. I'm reaslly sad that the one place I thought I'd be protected,is the same place that will expose me. To the guys that commented first and said all those sad excuses,I really wished you could come back and comment as you've heard what the ladies had to say.
Nevertheless,Thank you all. I'll look forward to sober and healthy engagements with you. With that said,S/O to the few good guys out there. I salute you.