Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I'm writing this with the awareness that I might appear ignorant or spiritually insensible, but please allow me to address the issue of homophobia. I have always been surrounded by homosexuals as my sister is quite fond of them. I never prejudiced them in terms of their sexual orientations. For me, they are ordinary people who find a different and obviously over-the-top way of expressing themselves. It never occurred to me that who they are is regarded as an insult to the religious society, until I moved to Pentecostal churches. I found myself in the circle of people who host a chain of prayers and one of the prayer items declared the issue of homosexuality and how we should pray for them to change their ways. It always bothered me that God’s fan-club had double standards regarding who needs to change their ways and who must remain. I was bothered that how come we never focus on other sins but we emphasize others. However, I never was open about it because it was an issue that was never close to home. Until, my very closest cousin became open about being gay.
This is someone who I’ve always been close to; we grew up together, although I was fairly older than him. He has been around me for 19 years. He goes to church with me and we sit under the same sermons that sometimes make him question his entire existence. I remember there was a sermon I sat under (in another church) and the preacher spoke how God hates homosexuality. That sermon alone proves how, as a people, misconstrue the very essence of who God is. I ask myself, how can God hate homosexuals but claim to love His people. I cannot even begin to explain the poignancy I feel toward this whole notion. Like I said, I might be unaware about how God feels on this issue but I am fully aware of God’s love that is so unconventional to give His son to die for EVERYONE.
One day I was walking with a guy from church and we passed a group of gays. He changed lanes and moved to the other side as to avoid contact with them. I addressed him and told him I don’t get the point of him calling himself a Christian but he does dodgy things like that. The term Christian means being Christ-like and I ask myself what would Christ do? And if I'm doing the opposite of what He would do, then I'm misrepresenting Him. Our sanctimonious behaviour can get overwhelming at times, even for a sinner like me.
I finally write about this because last week I had a heart-to-heart conversation with my cousin about his lifestyle and choice of living. It was really the first time we spoke openly about his sexual orientation. At the end of the chat, he thanked me for ‘finally’ accepting who he is. I found that very saddening as I’ve never doubted him or expressed a sense of detachment. But then again, I never fully showed him that he still carries the same weight in my heart. I almost got caught between what religion claims to be demonic and what I'm presented with every day; a loving and young man who’s eager to grow in the Lord. If God hates homosexuals, then He contradicts Himself, because God is Love and Love does not hate. Where do sinners go if the church is filled with ‘holy’ people?
With all of that said, can I be excused from “God is out to get you” sermons as they leave me with melancholy and a strong sense of confusion. I will not subject myself to sit under a teaching that contradicts God. When I'm mature enough to comprehend homophobia, and continue to believe a God who claims to love me but hates my cousin, I will probably write a different story. Until then, allow me to embrace my cousin who continues to bring colour in my life and a breath of fresh air. * Drops mic and walks to every homosexual in the room to give them a kiss on the cheek*


  1. Hey Rato....

    Well mina i believe that as God doesnt hate the sinner but the sin, same goes for Gays/Lesbos. He hates ubu-gay but not umuntu who is gay.

    Churches that attack people and not the (whatever)issue (sin) is a church that knows not ka The Grace Of God And Heart. its probly someones personal expression and thoughts that he/she drives in people using iPulpit.

    .... just thought id add that.

  2. The image of Santa Claus has been crafted for hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years. We're supposed to be in a different day. Give the world a black Santa Claus, let the people have an African-American come down the chimney bearing joy and good will! The prejudice against gay people must stop. We all say we're for gay rights. We all say we accept homosexuality. But give a gay man a hug, sit in his lap?

  3. Personally i know that God loves people, He might hate the sin, but He loves people, that is who God is, as christians, we have not learned to properly accept people, meaning we have not really understood the heart of God.

    I dont have friends who are gay right now, i have one friend who is lesbian, we dont talk much, she is saved and loves Jesus...i am praying for myself that the Lord my enlarge my heart that i may love people as He does, and i beleive it is possible.

    God loves people, even homesexuals...

    That is the truth of who our God is, He is love period.

  4. Gods loves people and hates the sin. Thats all. As a sinner myself, who am I to judge someone because they sin differently from me? Who said my sin is better than theirs? I love this that you have said: "The term Christian means being Christ-like and I ask myself what would Christ do? And if I'm doing the opposite of what He would do, then I'm misrepresenting Him." If we all lived according to this, more people would be drawn to Christ.
