Thursday, July 18, 2013


I’ve been blessed with wonderful people in my life and I’m one those people who’ve never struggled to make friends, good ones at that. However, I learned that it’s very important to choose your friends wisely and always keep your circle watertight. For all the friends I had, I have come up with those that are worthy to have in your circle because people are not the same and it’s important to keep those that are fitting.

1.    The Homie
This one is the all-rounder; she’s the closest to you. The homie serves as everything you want, from a friend to a part-time lover (when your boyfriend is not around and you don’t want to be alone) and never complains because well…she loves you so much.  You have most fights with the homie, since you spend most of the time with her and she knows a lot about you. This kind of friend is very protective of you because they’ve been with you for long that they know what’s best for you. With that said though, its key that she knows that you have the final say in your life.

2.    The cheerleader
I’m a very confident person and I believe so much in my own hype, but sometimes uncertainty creeps up so much that I find doubting myself. So, this kind of friend is one that also believes in you and your hype. They have an idea of what your becoming will look like, so they wont let you settle for anything less than that. You can tell them that you want to be a singer and even though you cant sing, they still pat you on the back and tell you, you can do it. These friends are good for your ego and those ‘I don’t know if I can do it’ moments. They are your number 2 fan, through and through. If you have both the cheerleader and The Homie in your circle, you’re bound to work out well because the Homie will bring you back to reality if the cheerleader is gassing you up.

3.    The narcissist
This friend loves herself so much and would do anything to look good and get praised. Its good to keep this friend in your circle because they thrive to put up appearances, and because they always want to come off good, they’ll ensure that when you’re with them, you also look good.  You may sometimes feel like a trophy, but it comes in handy because you get to enter into the narcissist’s network. You’re also bound to learn a lot from this person because they seek to always be in the know, for the purpose of their reputation. In this here instance, you’re good by association.

4.    The experienced
Talk about a walking encyclopedia. The experienced knows everything about everything, from politics, to relationships, to sex. If you have this one in your corner, just dial them up if you’re in desperate need to impress someone and they’ll provide you with info that’s relevant. The experienced has gone before you in matters of life and whenever growing pains seep in, they are there for free tutorials. You’ll always feel like a dumb, which will make you read up and become well informed. The good thing about the experienced is that you get to share and discuss books with them. For me, that’s quite cool.

5.    The grounder
When in comes to matters of God, I’ve found out that with or without God, life is tricky. Life does this thing of becoming so unpredictable it leaves you in shaky grounds. The grounder is there to remind you about God and what He promised. The grounder is your prayer partner and they come with sound advice based on God. In normal circumstances, the experienced and the grounder have contradicting views because the former finds the latter impractical and naïve.

As I said, people are different and one may not necessarily need these particular types of people in their circle. All of these friends somehow complement each other and one without the other may not complete the circle. In one setup, all their views may contradict, but its usually the Homie who covers all of them in one. They say you attract that which you are, so you might also have one of the traits that these groups possess. Remember, you’re responsible for your life and even when you take advice from friends, check at which point they are in their lives and how that affects their views. Also, you make the final decision pertaining to your life. Enjoy friendships and be a good friend.


  1. Ah! What a refreshing read!

    Reminds me a lot on the ten faces of innovation, each characteristic is important but all somehow play part in moulding you.
    I'm loving the direction of this article, very sincere as well as inspirational not forgetting the relevance it has on our lives.

    A true writer conveys this on the basis of experience, that makes you an experiential writer!
    In my books, your a valuable versifier!

    Well done friend*

  2. Now i'm curious to know the faces behind these friends of yours, care to reveal?

  3. WOAH!!! Kim,you just reminded me why you're my friend. You're making it hard for me to respond to your comments. Thanks friend,we must show this to Roela,I'm sure she'll be proud of us. Haha*

    @Anon: Hmmm...I'm curios to know who you are but I've got a feeling you're in close proximity to me. I do have those people in my circle but I can't say their names...;-) I can offer you to guess though,since I'm under the assumption you know me personally

  4. Interesting indeed, le nna ke batla ho tseba hore mang ke mang in this blog. You relate with a lot of people, the only obvious one ke Thoriso

    Love Kamz :-)

    1. Hi Kamz... Correct, i do relate with a lot of people but i only have a handful of friends, and those are the ones you know very well. *Hint*

  5. a guy how do i fit because sometimes this stuff is not gender feels like its for it?

    1. Hey guy! Well, i guess you can also look into your circle of friends and find some with personality traits similar as the ones stated above. But you're right, because i write from a woman's point of view, it would have a woman's feel.

      Thanks for reading.

  6. A good read indeed.
    Keep writting, I will keep reading.

  7. Keep writing about friendships yeah? Cool stuff. Just refrain from writing about something you have no clue of, I'm referring to the 'church girls' post (It was COMPLETELY unnecessary). I'd comment about how from a married person's point of view you're still on level 1 in that department but I guess that's how you learn and you most probably aren't interested in what I have to say. But yeah, refrain from such topics and stick to what you know/do THOUGHROUGH research on. Writers do write about something they have information on, right?..right.


    1. Ok so you went into this to tell me, i'm clueless, you are married, and
      you went ahead on making assumptions about my lack of interest in your
      self proclaimed well of knowledge? oh...ok.

      FIRST OF ALL: Being condescending is not an argument.

      SECOND OF ALL: There are people who have come on this post and
      countered my opinions with arguing their own points. Yet you have
      failed to make a single point from your ivory tower of unsurpassed
      knowledge to validate your sentiments. If you knew anything about me,
      you'd know i STAY being hungry for knowledge and i learn more from
      those who disagree with me more than those who do agree with me.

      THIRD OF ALL: The fact that you had the gall to feel the need to
      reprimand me from an anonymous account is an indictment of your
      bravery in opinion or rather lack of.

      FIFTH POINT: I have never confessed to be all knowing. My perspective
      is from a 23yr old...I'm going to take it you FAR older than me.
      Enlighten, correct, educate if you must but don't think you can ever
      use my youth against me. I will not have that.

      SIXTH POINT: This blog is my thoughts in progress. At no point have i
      claimed that i was about facts or research. 10 years from now, i will
      look at these pieces and laugh out loud or SMH at the naivety of my
      own opinion at this age. But be certain of one thing i will not
      dedicate a second of my life to try change your mind about how you
      feel about my opinions. I am not about that life Boo.

      LASTLY: In spite of you being older and married you are clearly yet to
      learn to argue the point and not to person...see there's room for
      growth for all us. Focus on yours and ill work on mine.

      Wishing you a productive day...

      PS: I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't reply to this. I have
      since your last post, lost interest in anything you have to say and while i take care, you go work on your spelling.

  8. Wow, Married Anonymous is soooo brave *shocked beyond words*

  9. The illustrious circle, I wonder when my induction is. You forgot to mention which friend you are? Anyway a lovely read. Then there was the anonymous guy, I feel disappointed at the fact that people confused me for him...*forgives* Nothing against him but he just ain't me, he cant get it, I have it, all of it.

    1. i told you that next year this time, you'll be in the inner circle, considering that you keep your end of the deal. Me? im the all-saver...a little bit of everything. Haha! thanks for reading.

  10. Refreshing indeed but, Mr Anonymous diverted and claim our attention, perhaps I should entertain him as well, what is the matter here Mr anonymous?
