Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trust the process...

I’ve been thinking about the scripture “All things work together for good…”

The other day I had a chat with a guy who managed to summarize his life until thus far and all the moments in his life that collated into the diverse person he is. Basically, he lived in about 5 different places, ranging from the hood to downtown then the suburbs. Shifting schools in line with the new locations. He does mention that as a child this was quite strenuous because he couldn’t maintain friendships in a time he needed to. In hindsight though, he has an appreciation of that time because he agrees that it molded his multi-faceted character; his ability to be around the guys from the hood and still hold his own in the boardroom.

Now I wish my childhood was that interesting… we lived very different lives but the point I want to drive home with this note is that if we embrace all those little moments we have gone through, we will learn to appreciate the perspectives they have contributed to our overall make up and what the bible means when it says “All things work together for good…”

I grew up in the hood and attended township school for the duration of my schooling life. The first time I was around a lot of white people was in varsity and you can imagine how overwhelming that was especially when some of them were racist. (In 1st year, I almost beat up a girl who said “you people” referring to us blacks. I’m a better person now)

In high school, I was part of a debating team and we had opportunities of going to private schools to go debate and actually won. In retrospect, that phase taught me to stand up for my argument and have the confidence to put it across no matter the audience. I also played chess with the boys in my class. Chess teaches you to think strategically and give yourself enough time before you make a move – the unpredictability of life demands this sorts of leaning thus I encourage everyone to learn the game. My experience of playing chess at school helped me get into the UJ national team in first year and do well. I didn’t pursue it further because everything became too overwhelming so I had to sacrifice it.

After high school, I spent 2 years at home and life wasn’t happening – or so I thought. Those were the years where I grew my relationship with God, learnt how to pray and stay the course of belief in the midst of uncertainty.  I also realized my love and ability to write. I read any and every book I came across and I just got to know who I am. These sorts of things you get to appreciate in hindsight because when you are going through them, the hope that you will get out and be better is little to none. That period also taught to me to be patient when I go through a bad patch because if I could get out of that misery, I can certainly get out of anything.

I learnt how to articulate myself from reading a lot of books and writing words I didn’t know and managing to fit them into the next conversation. (I remember how I used to love saying “in the greater scheme of things” hehehe). I’ve also mentioned before that I didn’t know the computer at all – I’m very happy that my former high school now has a computing facility because that’s very important. Dineo and I came across a call center programme where we were taught how to type, amongst other things. Strangely enough, that’s the only good thing that came out of it. God will always put you in places that will end up working in your favor. It was such a drag going to that place because I knew I didn’t want to work in that sector but I went anyway because I wasn’t doing anything at that time. This is another thing I have learnt; don’t disregard everything you do because you don’t know what you’re going to get out of it.

I can safely say I’m grateful for everything I’ve experienced thus far because its made me the versatile person that I am. I get to work and chill with the ladies that clean the kitchen and can easily waltz into the MD’s office with ease. I can twerk on a Saturday evening with my friend and wake up to reading a book. I can drink some gin and wake up to run some few kilometers only because I can be whomever the hell I want.

I just hope that you embrace whatever you’re going through right now because when the bible says “All things work together for the good for those who love God” best believe that’s the truth.

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